Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Moving Day!

We moved back home today!

In theory, moving on a Wednesday is easier: we have childcare, and there are extra weekdays before and after to deal with things.

In practice, having kids in school makes moving day a real pain. Grownups can just order a pizza and blow off unpacking -- moving is exhausting -- but with kids in the picture, you still have to dig around piles of boxes to find lunch-making accoutrements. Or plan ahead to put lunch-making stuff in a separate box in your own car (marking it clearly won't help, it'll still get piled under other boxes by the movers).

It took hours to find everything just for breakfast cereal in the morning too. I don't think I've ever been so tired as after an intense day of moving, going out to dinner, and then having to come home and go through the motions of a regular weeknight.

We're exhausted, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but we're thrilled to be back home.

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